Tennis ? Youth ? Community ?

Our Clinics

The Basics

We offer 60 and 90-minute clinics, with instruction customized based upon age and level of experience.

Students will be provided an Open Court Journal and will be asked at the end of each clinic to record the following:

  • Our “word of the day”  which will be a life skill that tennis teaches such as “teamwork” and “focus”
  • What they have learned in the Clinic
  • Areas for improvement


Our Format

Word of the Day and Warm Up – 15 minutes

Basic Instruction – 30-60 minutes, depending upon clinic duration

Level 1 – hand-eye coordination, court mobility,  basic groundstrokes

Level 2 – tennis fundamentals –  groundstrokes, serve and volley instruction

Level 3 – tennis in action – groundstrokes, volley drills and match play

Cool Down and Journal Work – 15 minutes

Participation Requirements

  • Students must be respectful of teachers and other students
  • Students must listen to and follow their teacher’s instructions
  • Students must show commitment to learning the game
  • Students are expected to be on time and to attend all registered sessions
  • Children must wear sports attire and sneakers– tee shirts to be provided
  • Participants must arrange their own transportation to and from the tennis clinic